Impressum English 


The Mission

is to create graze, poise and presence!

is to show you how to reduce fear in conversations and stage performances.

is to explore success, communication, mobility, performance and presence!

Perform with Safety and Trust - Perform with Confidence!


Uniting Body, Mind and Soul!


As I have seen artists struggle with the body, the mind, and also their soul during their performances, I have developed trainings that unify these three areas into one, so that when you perform, you feel comfortable and empowered.

  • Stage Presence Training
  • WinWin Training
  • Shield Training
  • Response Pattern Training
  • Riskbehavior Training
  • Minimizing Stage Fright
  • Train Your Wolf

Also doing constellation work in connection with stage performance and stage presence.

The summary of my unique dissertation study on the "Alexander Technique and Stage Presence" can be found below in the appendix.

Quality characteristics of a good stage appearance

There are 7 quality characteristics of a successful appearance:

  • Expressive behavior
  • Emotional content
  • Novelty - particularity
  • Inner involvement
  • Motivation
  • Passion
  • Flow of movement

The list lloks like a life task. It is. But to help you move faster, I've created Movement Listening for you, which uses the 12 reference points MAP's - Master Awarness Points - and visual cues in the body to show you how to simply increase your awareness and get ready for a performance faster and meet the seven quality characteristics of a good stage performance.

Right now, I teach the stage performance pro trainings only in my studio south of munich, germany.

If you want to scedule a lesson or you have a question, please use the button below.

Dr. Joseph Weissenberg.

Author, Teacher and Coach for awareness, communication and masterful stage performance.

Connecting body, mind and soul!

Over the past twenty years of helping many people improve their presentation skills, I've found that misconceptions about movements of the body, mind and soul are performance blockers that prevent people from reaching and mastering their performance potential....

And this has led me to develop unique and specific trainings that help reunite the body, mind and soul so that everyone can immediately get clarity on their #1 performance blocker... and how to overcome it and move the body and soul forward in development.

Schedule a Session

Perform Smart - Perform With Your Heart

Connceting Body Mind and Soul!